
"Be not afriad of greatness. Some were born with greatness, some ACHIEVE greatness and some have greatness thrusted upon them."

Monday, December 29, 2008

Before and After

Well this is more in the middle...However, two weeks later
And the soft cast is off!!!...I had four small stitches so not too bad, but the purple on my wrist is just the markings they had to use for the surgery. If you look REALLY close and tilt your head to the left you can read where i wrote "Yes" on my wrist.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We just have TOO much fun At scrooge. Thank you Gramps and Grams! We enjoy it EVERY year!

We had a "Better of Dead" moment! haha thoses darn Pigs will make you laugh!

Our True colors come out during Scrooge!

My Cute sister Amber who was willing to take a picture!
I took this picture....You would think I would be ready for it!

Christmas Surgery

My christmas present...to my wrist!

It all started in July when i discovered a bump on my wrist. i got it checked out and it ended up being a ganlion cyst...Don't fret Ganglion cysts are not dangerous. Being in Human Biology i thought it would be interesting to find out what exactly a cyst is. A cyst is just a clear sack of fluid that usually develops in between joints from over using the joints. Cysts can go away but are likely to come back. My mom set up an appointment for me to see a hand specialist. The appointment was on Monday Dec 15th and with a Christmas miracle they had an opening for the next day. The hand specialist said that getting surgery there is a 10% chance it will come back. As you can see by the pictures i went through with the surgery. It wasn't as bad as i expected, i was knocked out within a minute and all i remember is asking A LOT of questions! i think the nurses got a kick out of it because i remember some of them laughing! haha
All i have to do now is wait two weeks for the stitches to come out and i can go skiing and do more active activities!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Caught in the act

You are probably wondering what this picture is. Well let me explain. Since my apartment is so big we have three sky lights and one of them happens to lead to the roof! Well I'm a very curious person and my curiosity got the best of me and i climbed up through the sky light and unlatched the window and sat up on the roof (oh i thought it would be cool to eat my lunch on the roof!) As i was coming down i handed my plate to my roommate and started shimming down when i heard a man's voice say "What are you doing up there?" oh i know exactly what you're thinking " Whose man's voice is that?" well you are probably thinking the land lord's voice and you would be correct. The next thing i know my LAND LORD is looking up at me! i didn't know what to say so i just got down and he told me not to do it again. Well we'll see how far that enforcement goes..... I'm just pulling your chain i learned my lesson.... i will have to go up when it's dark outside! haha

Reunited after a year!

This is one of my best friends Monet (pronounce like the artist Claude Monet). Monet and i were inseparable when i lived in Layton. We did everything together. A couple of weeks ago we had the chance to catch up with each other! I love her to death. i don't know who i lived without her after we moved back to Provo!

Halloween Stomp!

Friday October 31st was an awesome night! Halloween couldn't of been timed more perfectly. It was on a weekend which means there was no school to worry about and there was a stomp(aka a dance). The stomp was amazing, i danced with friends and saw their awesome costumes! The pictures say it all!

Slip 'n Slide

Alright i know it's been a while so I'll try and keep it brief, but interesting. This semester to get students more involved and to meet new people i decided to host a game night every Tuesday night. This specific week i decided to do an indoor slip in slide. Call me crazy but look at the pictures (above). My apartment is pretty big and can handle it! My apartment holds 10 girls, need i say more? Fortunately everyone i invited DIDN'T come. My roommates and i discovered it's more fun with less people! However, there was a side affect to this fun activity. Me not thinking bought AJAX washing soap. For people who don't know Ajax is one the hardest soaps. In order for the slip 'n slide to work we had to soak ourselves in the soap. We had that soap soaking in our skin for an hour in a half. The next day we were all dry and itchy. My skin was so dry my PALMS were PEELING i know what you're thinking "That can't be possible"oh my friends are you every wrong. I lived it and i WILL tell you that it is possible!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mississippi here I come

I pretty much have the most amazing sister ever! As most of you know my Sister Cyndi lives in Mississippi and i i don't get to see her a lot. Well i got a suprise call from her the other day and she told me that she found cheap plane tickets! Which means i can go VISIT her!!! I am super excited to go back to Mississippi(for all who don't know i flew out with Cyndi the first time to help her move into her cute home! So those kitchen walls you see in pictures, well i helped paint those!). It's going to be an awesome trip, a girls week to catch each other up and become close. If only another great sister could come to (wink, wink, AMBER!) than it would be perfect. haha

P.S. I know it's been a while, but i promise i do have stories and things to update you all on. Give me some time to get it organized. love you all

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Was it worth it?

This float was for Homecoming. It took three weeks to finish for ten mintues of glory. However, i got to stand on the float and throw candy to the students and people from Ephraim, but it was 40 degrees. Again was it worth it? i still can't decided. While building it my fingers almost fell off, i think i developed a little of the sniffles and i was incharge for some of the time!! Is it still worth it? Overall yes it was. Institute needed to get a message out to the students and i am glad i was apart of it.

Powder Puff

On the left are my soccer buddies. On the right is my awesome roommate Melanie.
First i would like to say that Soccer players were made to play powder puff. We dominated the field; offense and defense. I was an offensive linesmen and they were on defense. The game was sophmores vs freshman. We couldn't let freshmen beat us so we made sure we looked intimating, it worked the freshman didn't bring the heat that i thought they would. We won 12-0 it was pretty awesome.
I think my roommate Melanie is the real champ. She broke her wrist about a month ago and she played! i would be scared i would hurt someone even worse, myself. Not her she was brave and took on the competition. I guess it paid off

Getting Cold? Bonfires will keep you warm

Conference weekend was empty in Ephraim so my roommates and i decided that we wanted to do something. A bonfire sounded perfect and that is exactly what we did. Thanks to our guy friends for getting the wood and starting it. I'm sure us girls could of did it, but i don't think it would of been the same.
I would also like to add that i jumped over that bonfire! Don't be crazy, the flame was much lower. I couldn't risk getting my favorite jeans on fire!

Farewell Danny boy

September 21st was the day i said farewell to one of my best friends. My friend Danny and i were in the same third grade class and got reaquainted our junior year. We became best friends and now he is in the MTC ready to serve the people in Mexico. I'm super excited for him but i miss him terribly. The lord is more important in this case and i've accepted that. i know he is going to be a great missionary and very successful!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Calling!

You may want to read what I'm pointing to CAREFULLY. Not possible you say? It's ok to admit, i did. She is way to young to be apart of the Relief Society! Well it's true. Last week the Bishop called me into his office and everyone knows when the bishops wants to talk to you, you are going to get a calling. The question is "What is it?" I had a feeling i was going to be in the Relief Society, but i hoped it wouldn't come true. I knew who was the Relief Society president, i got along with her pretty well and i wondered all summer long who she was going to pick for counselors. Deep inside i had a feeling i was one of the top 10 to be chosen. When the bishop told me that my name was submitted i knew i couldn't say no. I knew over the summer that they Lord was preparing me Spiritually, socially and physically for this calling. He was softening my heart over the summer. It feels weird to be in the Relief Society. When most people think of Relief Society they also think of old ladies, well i know I'm not THAT old, but it doesn't change the fact that i got called to be in the Relief Society. You are probably wondering what I'm under, well that question i can answer. I am under Education which means I'm in charge of the teachers, and music. I'm really excited to be apart of the Relief Society even though i don't really know what I'm doing, but i figure none of the presidency does. We just have to test the trail and error approach!

Parade and Rodeo

The First week of school was great. I met my roommates and as you can you see we get along well. We were lucky with this particular weekend, Manti was hosting a parade and afterwards there was a rodeo. My roommates Emma(first pic far left), Amanda(middle, She is also my room roommate) and i wanted to got to the parade. Wouldn't you want FREE candy? This parade however is different than most. They don't just pass out candy, they also passed out otter pops and mini milk jugs! The Manti parade has been my favorite parade to go to!
The rodeo was great, LONG, but great. i normally don't like to go to rodeos but my roommate and i won tickets(i don't know if you remember my volleyball story but you can read it below)We had fun cheering for the all the riders that were participating in the rodeo.
*Amber unfortunely there was no thong, i guess you will only see that in Vernal!

"The Rat"

My roommate and i were having some sink draining problems so one night we were washing our faces and decided we had enough. We had to clean our drain out, but we didn't have any drain-o all we had was an old toothbrush, and scrubbing bubbles. We tried spraying the scrubbing bubbles down the drain, but after the second try we realized that is wasn't going to work. We needed a hook. We asked one of our roommates for a wire hanger; we bent the hanger in the form of a small hook. Once we had our hook i stuck it down the drain and that (picture to the right) is what came out in ONE! i repeat ONE pull. My roommate and i started laughing so hard. We knew that rat of hair that was clogging our drain must have been five years of hair build up.

Monday, September 1, 2008


I'm so sorry i haven't blogged in a while and i apologize that i don't have any pictures for you. I'm afraid i won't have any pictures for you until i go home which won't be very often.
August 20th was the first day of school, i was ready for summer to end and school to start up so i could meet my new never seen before roommates, make new friends and see old friends from last year. The first day the school held a BBQ. i went with my roommate and we noticed that there was a volleyball net and we wanted to play, but we couldn't find people we knew to come play with us so we decided to just play ourselves and see if people would want to jump in. Can i tell you, IT WORKED! we got a game going and some of the student government people saw us playing and they told us they were going to rally off some rodeo tickets for that weekend and they were going to give the tickets to the winning team. My roommate really wanted those tickets. Fortunaly for us we had all the Tall/strong people on our team so of course we won and we enjoyed the rodeo very much!
After a long hard first week all students had a labor day weekend. I choose to visit a friend and catch up. It was really nice to be in a peaceful place where i could forget about school and gather my thoughts together!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Ending the Summer with fun sports

Sorry i haven't blogged in a while. It's been crazy with packing and moving back home. Now i need to get ready for school.

Yesterday was a fun day. My friends and it decided to play soccer and football. It was girls against boys. The girls were bragging ALL week that we were going to kick their butts. We were all pumped and ready to play. Once we started EVERYTHING fell apart. The girls lost the soccer game 10-2 and the girls also lost the football game. i didn't keep track all i know is that we score three and i didn't bother to keep track of the boys. Even though we were cocky we had fun! I think the boys knew they were going to win all along, they were just being nice to us! haha

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fair Road Trip

Yesterday after work Bradley and i went to a fair in Rock Springs. It took us an hour in a half to get there, but we think it was worth it. What do you think?

What's in the box?!?!.....Bradley said it was a roller blade wheel. Unfortunately, we didn't get to keep anything.

Bradley was so happy....After getting off a fair ride, i had to get a picture!    I also conquer the ride with flying colors!

Kodak moment. I wanted to get a picture of Bradley and the ride we just conquered. He was making fun of me through his pose...The picture is cut off but Bradley has his hands together and is on a slight slant. I love my Brother!

This is Cheyenne. She is one of our co-workers. Her family has animals in the fair and she is part of the reason we came!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"The Fat Hulk"

While visiting Torrance(my parent's home town). We were driving down the street when we saw THIS (pic above). He claim to be the "Fat Hulk" It's not in the picture, but there was another teen holding a sign. i don't remember the exact wording, but it went a long the lines of "Fat Hulk, will do crazy things for money." Again i don't remember everything. i thought this was funny and interesting because you see how EXTREME people will go to earn some money. If i were to bet on it, i would bet it was a psychology project for "breaking a norm" or they were REALLY bored one day in california and decided to get some attention! Who will EVER know the reason. i don't know about you, but i don't find embarressing myself entertaining.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Before and After shot

I have been thinking a long time on whether or not i should just keep triming my hair and let it grow out or just cut it short and go through the awkward stages AGAIN. You know the stage where your hair isn't considered long or short? On Tuesday when i got back from Dutch John i made a hair appointment because whether i was going short and staying long i NEEDED at least a trim. I went into Paul Mitchell hair school and told them i wanted a INCH trim. I got thinking and i asked my hair stylist what she thought of me having short hair. We discussed the pros and cons. My hair stlyist had to bring her instructor out to tell her what i wanted her to do. You know how schools are, they are always supervised which if VERY NICE. You don't want to leave the place unhappy. Well i asked the supervisor the same question, "Do you think short hair would be a good look for me" i discribed how i would want it and she said it would work for me. The supervisor measured my hair and i'm thinking "What in the world is she doing?" and all of a sudden i heard. "Well that's 10 inches, she can donate if she wants" Right then and there i KNEW i wanted short hair. I have ALWAYS wanted to donate my hair, but i never had the patience to grow it long enough. It was the perfect opportunity. It work out great, i smiled the whole time while she was cutting my hair and the smile stuck to my face the rest of the day! I guess i'll be going through the awkward hair stage AGAIN!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Lake Fishing

About a week ago Ryan, Bradley and i were going fishing. We usually take Josie with us and i get her ready for the boat ride. I took her out of the car, put on her jacket and than her required life jacket. Once i got her life jacket on i realized that something wasn't right. i tried pulling her arm out and it wouldn't move. I turned her around and this is what i saw! I couldn't help but laugh. I thought this looked so funny and what a funny thing to do, NOT to check and make sure that both arms were safely out before buckling the life jacket together.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bike+Turning with no hands=Gravity

                                    My elbow injury
     My hand injury            

 The whole she-bang.
 This little accident happened last week. I have always wanted to ride a bike with no hands. i was doing GREAT! i got to the point where i needed to learn how to turn on corners. The only way to really know if you can do it is to try it! Right? Well that is exactly what i did. My first turn went good so i decided to take on the second turn, it was sharper but i still wanted to try. While leaning i notice that i was leaning too far over, naturally i lean the other way and grabbed the handle bars. I started overcorrecting my self and i knew i had to prepare myself for a landing. The results from the accident were not that bad. A few scraps and bruises here and there, but i was up and riding the next day!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lagoon Trip

 It's an oxymoron. I thought this was so FUNNY.
 We thought it would be funny to take a pic with a random boy. He worked at Arby's 
      These are some of my roommates from College. We decided that we needed to spend some time together over the summer and why not go to a place where everyone will be happy. Lagoon! 

Murder Mystery Date

On Thursday night a select number of single adults went on a murder mystery date. We each had an Italian character to portray. My character's name was Tara Misu. Here is what the invitation said about my character. " Tara is Rocco's vivacious young fiancee. she was just an upstairs maid in Rocco's villa until she swept him off his feet. Now Tara keeps a smile on his face and a firm grip on Rocco's assets. Costume Suggestion: Tara is dressed to KILL. She knows the effect she has on men and flaunts her charms shamelessly." Now let me ask you, does that sound ANYTHING like me? i think it's the exact opposite. haha i still thought it was pretty funny though. The people who assigned me the character probably knew i would be the ONLY one who would dress up the part. Did i do a good job or what?  i would like to thank Amber for the outfit and Ryan for the advice. Everyone thought my costume was the best. Since i was the only one who dressed up like this. Everyone else was in CHURCH CLOTHES! i felt a little out of place, but i think my character was suppose to be different from everyone else. haha

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Accidents happen

Last week i was at work cleaning and organizing the cooler. My Boss Melissa and i were looking at  drinks for inventory reasons.  We found a whole cart full of expired drinks. Melissa told me to throw them out. i took the carton out to the garbage and just as i was about to throw a whole carton of glass bottles away i realized it would make a HUGE mess. I thought "That wouldn't be very nice for the garbage man" (i know of all things to think of at that time, i think of the garbage man's feelings!). I went back inside the store and grabbed a couple plastic grocery sacks. i put ALL 15 bottles into one bag, thinking it would be just fine. NOT... right as i picked up the bottles, the bag broke and glass shatter EVERYWHERE. i thought "Great Lisa, what were you thinking, now YOU have glass to deal with instead of the garbage man!" I didn't want to use a broom because that would just make a bigger mess. i started by picking up the big pieces of glass. i went back inside to grab another bag and told some co-workers what had happen. One of them suggested using bread. I thought BREAD? she said that it picks up glass fairly well. i thought i would give it a try, i got a couple of pieces of bread from the kitchen and headed outside AGAIN. The bread worked for a little bit. Let's just say bread and asphalt are NOT  the best of friends. It picked up the bread, but three seconds later it fell to the ground again. i was getting impatient by this time. i was irritated that i didn't think this through, and i was cold because it was windy. i started picking up the glass with my fingers again. i was almost done when all of a sudden if fell something CUT ME! i knew it would happen i was just waiting for the moment. After i took care of the glass i went inside to get a band-aid. Of course people freaked out when they saw my finger bleeding. i told them it wasn't a big deal, i just needed a band-aid.  I treated my wound properly and went on with my day. No less than TWO minutes i looked down and saw i bled through my band-aid.  This was our alternative band-aid. I have to say one thing.....DUCK TAPE FIXES EVERTHING!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Time for new shoes

Every monday some of the young single adults in Dutch John get together and play basketball. oh and yes, there are enough people to play a real three on three game. How else would my shoe have a tear in it? haha i guess i was playing a little too hard!  i think it's about time to say goodbye to a beloved pair of shoes!


       This is what happens when you live next to a person who chooses to have pigeons instead of cats or dogs! At least they haven't pooped on me yet!  They just like to poop ALL OVER MY CAR!!!!!!                                             

Friday, May 23, 2008

My sleeping arrangements

For the past two weeks this is what i have been sleeping on/in. You can't really tell from the picture but that dented space is not flat it is in fact a hole. i have been sleeping in a cave/ pit for the past two weeks. Not like many pits this one is really comfortable and doesn't leave me achy in the morning as most people would think. As i was thinking of my pit i decided that "pit" was not a very good name, instead i call it "The Love Sack!" Maybe it will help my love life out here in Dutch John, with the population of 200. This doesn't include the fine young men in my single adult group!