
"Be not afriad of greatness. Some were born with greatness, some ACHIEVE greatness and some have greatness thrusted upon them."

Monday, January 26, 2009


A rumor has been going around saying that Snow College is going to be building a new library. I heard that rumor last year and this year i hear more buzzing about it. Well the fact is it's true. The new library is going to have four floors, be in a different location on campus(basically across a parking lot distance) and be better organized all around. i don't find a problem with the library that is already existing. It has three floors and doesn't need to be torn down. Paul Ordyna studied in this library to pass all his classes and i plan on doing the same! I'm not even going to be here when the new library is done so why am i complaining? Well i think we could of used that money to build the library to keep employment here at the school. Snow College already had to make a %5 teacher cut and thanks to the economy we had to make another %15 teacher cut(don't quote me on those Statistics, but i know it was a lot). I don't feel like we need a new library. I don't like change in small town, i think it loses it's value as a small town look!

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