
"Be not afriad of greatness. Some were born with greatness, some ACHIEVE greatness and some have greatness thrusted upon them."

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mount Timpanogos!

We hiked to see the sunrise

The four others I was with

5 1/2 hours......Worth it

Cooper Howell


Jared Porter, He was a bit cold and sick of getting eaten by mostiquos

Colby Dalley, Jeremy Buck & Cooper Howell.

The "Official" Top of Timp

Refreshing Spring
 I finally did it! It took me two attempts, but I finally made it to the summit of Mt. Timpanogos. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't sore or tired. I took a three hour nap later that day...it did the trick. I didn't need another nap to recover!

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