
"Be not afriad of greatness. Some were born with greatness, some ACHIEVE greatness and some have greatness thrusted upon them."

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pirate Bridal Shower

The place where the bridal shower took place. The dating and courtship teacher built this in his back yard and lets students come over and hang out in it. My roommate Caci said that he encouraging people to come on dates to his ship. He has years of pirate stuff in there. A bed, hats, pictures, lantern, jewelry etc... it was so much fun!
Emma has quite the aim

April and Marleen are quite the couple

The Bride to be: Melanie

Emma telling Caci to freeze

1 comment:

Merilee said...

Pirate bridal showers? That is intense. I've never even heard of a pirate bridal shower.