
"Be not afriad of greatness. Some were born with greatness, some ACHIEVE greatness and some have greatness thrusted upon them."

Saturday, October 3, 2009


1984 is a book I read in two days time.
Was I required to read it? yes. Did I enjoy reading it? NO!! This is by far the worse book I've ever read in my life! I have a quiz on Monday and I choose to read the book this weekend. With 50 pages left in the book I wanted to THROW it at my wall. With in 20 pages of finishing I wanted to BURN the book. It was driving me crazy. I would never recommend this book if my life depended on it. However, I do think it would make a good movie, but as far as the book goes I'm never reading it cover to cover ever again.

1 comment:

Merilee said...

Hmmm, do you think the time crunch made you hate it more? My sister hated Jane Eyre, but she was forced to read it.

I've never read 1984, maybe I won't.